Monday 18 August 2014

Part 1 (1956-1966) - St Georges School - Hanover Square - Mayfair 1965-1968

St Georges School - Hanover Square - Mayfair

We had moved to London - it was 1965.

This was my Junior School in London. An old quirky, eccentric, character full  building. A Red Bricked & Portland-stone Jacobean style building with large mullion & transom widows.  

My Teacher was Miss Blackmoore. She told my Mother at a parents evening "David will never get there 1st, but he will always get there in the end".

There was a Girls playground and a Boys Playground - curiously below street level. 

I have the same School Tie to this day - 50 Years later

I played football in the playground. We were sent to Victoria Swimming Baths and I learnt to Swim. I played Dick Whittington in the School Play. I walked up and down that ridiculous spiral staircase in the School. 

I was happy at St Georges

I was shy, but I was learning to learn, learning to live. I was becoming aware. I was learning what it was to be anxious, concerned. I was learning what made you happy, and what made you unhappy. I was growing up. I walked across Hyde Park every day - my mother waving goodbye and welcome.

I was growing up - and then we moved again - to Grosvenor Square in Mayfair. 

Moving on again.... The next Chapter... 

NO - More then that - my young child life was finishing - this was to be the the next phase - from Child to Adult (with all that this would entail). 

This was to be



My Life Diary

1966 - 1979

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