Saturday 30 August 2014

Part 2 (1966-1979) - Grosvenor Square - 1966 - 1968.


Welcome to Part Two of my Life Diaries.

If you have followed the journey so far you will have found the 1st 10 years of my most early life a muddle of homes and experiences. And of course I only really recall about 5 years of that time, with those recollections being vague and disconnected. I have spent much time trying to piece those memories into a coherent sequence and timescale, but even now I cannot be 100% sure that these are 100% correct.

But in Part Two the lens focuses, the memories are clearer, and the timeline is clearer. I have said that it is not my intention to bore the reader with minutia – but to provide a broad sweep of the key events that moulded me, transformed me – and set me on the path that would be my adult life. Some of these memories are perhaps random in their presentation – but they are there because they are:


The following Chapters cover those events and memories that cover the time from moving from Albion Gate to live in Grosvenor Square in 1966 through to 1968.

Let us begin.

In 1966 my Father took a post as Head Porter at a very grand apartment building in Mayfair – 49a Carlos Place

I was 10 Years Old......

Of this eccentric Basement Flat I shall talk about more - in the next Post

It was another new beginning that would herald many new discoveries.

What of my Parents and my beloved Sue... My parents had reconciled their financial disaster - and moved on as best they could. I was never privy to their way of dealing with my Fathers bankruptcy - as I had no inkling of it. As a young child they seemed on the face of it happy - and loving parents. However my later reflections have always noted an air of tension, perhaps discontent. But what was clear was that  loved each other with an abiding bond. I was to see that tested in forthcoming years - but it was never fully lost.

Sue - my beloved Sue - she was striding ahead of my to adulthood - and i loved her so dearly - she had always been my everything....  

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