The Everlasting Game

The Everlasting Game

As a young Child I delighted in the stories of Winnie the Pooh.

Recently I unearthed a tattered and treasured battered paperback book - one of the first books I ever read "properly". 

To my amazement on the back pages I discovered a truly, staggeringly remarkable thing - my mothers hand writing - telling me a story from the past, about me. A piercing personal memory of me as a little boy. I had no idea that she had done this.... I was stunned - and moved beyond measure. A message from the distant past...

Remember my Nick Name as a child was Butch - and that I adored my Sister Sue ....



David, Butch and Rupert were three small boys. One was real, two were not (pretend ones). "I am Butch" he would say. "This is Rupert and this is David", with a small fat hand he would point to his imaginary friends. Long hours, these three friends played in the sun along with "Donald" the faithful Duck (not a real one) - a beloved toy. 

"Those pretend games included on occasions a small brown eyed pony tailed girl "Suni" - and together the friends real and pretend played "The Never Ending" OR "Everlasting" Game  - which no grown up ever knew about. A Fairy Land place full of animals and flowers and "Donald" reigned supreme. Suni supervised. Butch with his two friends followed faithfully, adoring the brown eyed SUE. 

A Reflection, Memory, Narrative, Sentiment, Memory from:

The kindest person I ever knew 
Dorothy Barton
My Mother

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