Tuesday 8 November 2016

Part 4 - Nurse Tutor! 1989-1993

Becoming a Nurse Teacher

December 1989

West Glamorgan School of Nursing

Morriston School of Nursing

And so the day came, a final shift in ITU, I walked out from there into a new life, a new beginning that would take to places I had never imagine as a young man.  

Just days later I walked into the School of Nursing - the most junior Nurse Lecturer you could possibly imagine. Nurse Education at that time was not yet integrate with Higher Education, that would happen several years later. Thus I was still an NHS employee. The Morriston Hospital School of Nursing Building was by any description a building out of the Ark.  A World War 2 remnant, a Prefab or perhaps extended Portacabin that had been added to and developed over decades as part of the old hospital. It was thus best describe as shabby and rather eccentric, contrasting with the state of the art new hospital buildings that were springing up all around it. 

I was quickly timetabled to an extensive 'Orientation" programme that would take me up to the Christmas break. Christmas Break!!!! I had not had Christmas off for nearly 10 years. I was soon to realise that the Nurse Teachers an Staff in the School were no less eccentric than the Building itself. There was the Senior Tutor, Beryl. She sat in her little office with a small Scottie dog at her heals, and she chain smoked. She nevertheless ruled with a rod of iron, both her staff and students. There was Tony Catania, a tall rather eccentric man, puffing on an old fashioned pipe that billowed a foul smoke. I shared an office with another new Tutor, Jane Thomas, who would become a life long friend, our careers and ascendancy running parallel.  

And there were others, Faye, Eve, Graham, Margaret, Kay. Of each of these I could hold forth at length. I know them all to this day of writing in 2016. Our paths have run their own routes, and yet we all set out from the School of Nursing in 1989.

And so I set out on my journey as a Nurse Teacher. Like so many things in life I was beset with many "1st's". My 1st lesson, my 1st Tutorial, my 1st marking.......

In 1989 

Massive protests and either side of the Berlin Wall bring about the collapse of the East German Government and the Berlin Wall is breached and eventually dismantled and The Brandenburg Gate opened

Thousands of Students occupy Tiananmen Square in Beijing China protesting for democracy , Chinese Government Declares martial law and Hundreds of Demonstrators are killed

Nintendo releases the Game Boy in Japan in April 1989

And in North America in July
First release of Microsoft Office.


And now I must move on. My baptism into the world of the Nurse Teacher was accompanied by many other life events.  

Working Monday to Friday was a revelation - well at least to start with. I was soon to discover that teaching was NOT like Off Duty.... Technically it is 9 till 5 - but of course it is not. I remember planning my 1st lesson (The Lymphatic System...) - it took me hours - over the weekend! Ad marking! endless evenings and weekends marking. 

And my life was full of other developments - my family was growing, expanding and enriching. 

Tom now attending Dunvant Junior School - so lovable walking down the path with his Ninja Turtle Lunch Box. And Sam - growing, and so beautiful - and so funny. 

Then there was a sunny morning - and we set off to take Tommy to School. Jan paused, looked at me outside of the house. "Be nice to have one more" she said. And so the it was. And 9 months later a little "Robert" burst into my life - to complete my young family - 3 sons - I was blessed (and just a little tired).

And then there were new developments. The Director of Nurse Education DNE (John Evans) called me to his office. Would I like to go to Cardiff University for 2 Years full time to do a Degree in Education (B.Ed) - on mu current salary, fully funded and all expenses paid. I paused for a fraction of a second - and then gratefully accepted the opportunity.

And so in September 1990 I commenced a B.Ed at Cardiff University. More often than not I only needed to attend 3 days a week, and I had all the academic holidays. It was like a dream come true. I travelled in a car share with my colleague Jane Thomas, sealing our long term friendship. My personal Tutor was a garrulous academic call Roy Nolan. He nurtured my Tutorial Group - a diverse group of prospective educationalists from a diversity of professions. 

In 1990

The Gulf war begins after Saddam Hussein accuses Kuwait of stealing oil from Iraq. Iraq invades Kuwait and the US send half a million soldiers to defend Saudi Arabia against invasion.

South African antiapartheid activist, Nelson Mandela is freed after spending 27 years as a political prisoner.

  • Germany is Reunited
Hubble Telescope Launched Into Space


This was a time of 'Learning' - so much was new and different. I was giving lessons, and going to educational placements that were changing the world I experienced. - I spent 3 months at the then Bridgend School of Nursing. Later I would spend time at Tycho College in Swansea, and Olchfa Secondary School where later all my three sons would later attend as pupils. 

During the academic holidays, and when not writing endless essays, I did some Agency Nursing to supplement our income.  Plodding around the Nursing homes of Swansea ensured my fundamental nursing skills were fresh and grounded.  At this time Jan undertook a Conversion Course to convert her from SEN to SRN, hesitantly all the way she succeeded - and I remember so well the look of shock on her face the day she got that result. She was doing many different nursing jobs at that time - and between us life was hectic - but also so rewarding...

In 1991

The Soviet Union is dissolved and the 15 separate republics (including Russia) are now independent

  • South Africa Repeals Apartheid Laws

With some amazement I passed my Degree in Education - and I could now call myself a Graduate. I returned to full time work as a Nurse Lecturer in Back to College of Nursing - now an integrated part of the Swansea University. I was employed by a University - who could have imagined it!!!

Initially I returned to the Morriston Portacabin - and shortly after I had my base on the main campus. And then on to the Parc Beck site (long since gone). I shared an office with a lovely lecturer- Lillian Carthew. We were good friends and had lots of good laughs. I was teaching not only Pre-Registration Nurses but was now also bestowed the responsibility of managing a part time Post Registration Degree in Nursing. This programme ran at occasional weekends throughout the year - and added to my growing experience of curriculum and programme design. I had my first work computer - and I was given an Email Account - all the stuff of Science Fiction!

In addition - it was at this time that I was asked to give some input into a newly franchised  RCN Nurse Practitioner Diploma. Renate Thome and Sue Jordan were key members of this small team - and I was to work with them both for many years to come. I had initially no idea what a Nurse Practitioner was - but I was to learn - and this would set me on a career pathways that would lead to me having an international reputation for scholarship and publication on "Advanced Practice"

In 1992

  • Bosnian Genocide Begins

  • Official End of the Cold War

A time of Stability, Challenge, Change and New Foundations.

I was enthused - perhaps ambitious, but had no set map or plan - the future would be what it would be. 

We were comfortable in our house in Swansea. The children were growing. We had jobs, prospects, money.

We were a Family...........

In 1993

  • Use of the Internet Grows Exponentially

  • World Trade Centre is Bombed


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